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Points systems thoughts...

[Q=garya253] Keys to Happy Ownership of Blue Green Points. 1. Purchase on EBAY after Jan 1, 2. Make the previous owner pay all closing cost. 3. Use Resort Closing Inc. to transfer ownership. 4. Purchase at least 12000 points. 5. Do not be late on the maintenance fees. 6. Set up your online account immediately. 7. Plan far in advance. [Q=johnm2285] You are correct, with bluegreen, everything is money, not customer service. II is tops![/Q][/Q] II is tops??? Tops over what? I think no matter what company you deal with in the timeshare industry it all about money. Most of these companies however, will provide decent customer service but, I might add, not to the extent it will cost THEM some additional monies. How exactly are you (garya253) arriving at these keys to happy Bluegreen ownership? Why purchase only after Jan 1? Of what year? What if the previous owner refuses to pay closing costs. One cannot "MAKE" him do that. Is this a plug for Resort Closing, Inc. ??? Any reputable closing company can do the same thing. Purchase at least 12000 points??? On what do you base this hypothetical figure? Set up your on-line a/c? What on-line a/c are you referring to? What exactly are you suggesting one plan "far in advance" for? It's all just so ambiguous and begs too many questions to be helpful. It needs a lot of explanation. Sorry, just my opinion.