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Re: Belaire Vacation Club/Puerto Vallarta

my husband and I just got back from puerto vallarta and lo and behold PROFECO told us there is nuch such thing as a CLASS ACT LAWSUIT in MEXICO there only finding another way to get you to jump on the paddy wagon dont fall for it we had met this mr Cruz and come to find out the class act lawsuite that we all signed up to win against the club and get our money something smelt fishing and about it all and we were told from a little old lady walking in the marina the real story about how that the enginer was the one and can you belive he is actuly the Presidente of the marina vallarta assosation he was put there on purpose they that property from mr COPELA. its very sad for all us membersfor us to have to put up with this type of lieing and cheating the man behind this whole project and the reason why in went under and MR. GABRIEL CLAVEL is still trying to take the property be cause he has all the money hidden and wanting to build the GOLDEN DREAM of mr COPELA the dream is not of GABRIEL he has alot of warrents for his arresst also he has stole his ex girlfriends family memebrs idendity so he could steel all the money from COPELA with him not even speaking a word of english me and my husband very clearly remeber the ENGIENER he was always next to mr COPELA like a snake in the grass so becarful with all those memebers trying to win the case by joing these crooks mr FRANK from member service is who we want to thank for helping us collect of liquidation cashout refund. and dont fall off your chair on this one but they also stole the logo and the BELAIRE TRADEMARK and changed public regestry numbers wich is very unlegal so dont belive them you can always ask the PROFECO the real story they know the whole thing mr GABRIEL CLAVEL will have JUSTICE SERVED for doing what he is trying to do to all of us members and kick us out of our hotel belaire next week me and my husband are staring a non profit fundraiser to help mr copela out of jail and this CROOK GO IN JAIL for frauding all of us and blaming it on mr COPELA not is not a person that will be blessed by god the fundrasier starts at 5,000 usd per ticket and we have 1000 that should be enogh to put MRGABRIEL Behind bars for mighty long time...