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Re: Diamond Resorts raises maintenance fees again!

[Q=davidk689] the Facebook page is largely European points owners seeking help on how to navigate the arcane rules about using their points. This forum is a place where people who feel they have been/are being ripped off by DRI can exchange horror stories. Are you a shill for Mr. Cloobeck?[/Q] Davidk689, I am just as much of a shill for Mr. Cloobeck as you, just perhaps a happier one than you as it pertains to DRI. I AM NOT SAYING THAT DRI IS PERFECT BY ANY MEANS. However, I have been able to get good value on my membership each summer I go to Hawaii. The Facebook page has many owners from the U.S. as well, but the British are a LOT more vocal. I also noticed that you did not say anything about TUG, which is another RELIABLE source of information where there is more of expectation of seeking answers and solutions than just people feeing ripped off and sharing horror stories.