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Vida Vacations Dirty, Dirty Game Of Deception!!

Here's how Vida Vacations/Vidanta treats consumers who offer them some of their valuable vacation time: Promise 1) They, along with the broker they introduced me to over the phone promised to resell my Marriott timeshare. Result: Nothing has happened other then me paying the broker $460.00 to do absolutely nothing. Lie! Promise 2) Rental income for unused Vida weeks. Result: Nothing has happened other then me paying the broker $460.00 to do absolutely nothing. Lie! Promise 3) Trading a studio unit through RCI/SFX would always guarantee me a two bedroom exchange anywhere because Vida weeks are in such high demand. Result: Almost nothing was available, if wanted to go to Minnesota in January I could, and getting a 2 bedroom was impossible. Lie! The reason I let my guard down and fell for their lies was the credibility they were able to show convinced me they were on the up-and-up. If you have been there you know, its stunning. Nicklaus Golf, beachfront, gourmet restaurants, pools like no other... on and on. Oh lets not forget Cirque du Soleil they call it a Partnership. Who would go to such lengths to put together a fraud? I thought I was dealing with people who had integrity and respect for their guests. What I've come to find out is the sales team is as vicious as they come. The fact that they put me on the phone with one of their brokers to validate their rental/resale lies CONSITUTES CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FRAUD. Just on this fact alone they should put an end to this madness and give me my refund. Nadine