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Re: Ka'anapali Beach Owners Check Here

I would like to submit my proxy to an owner as well. One that could vote and speak on behalf of all owners. We need to grow our position on the board to try and better control spending, reduce maintenance fees, and take care of owner's interests. I have owned since 2001, and like jimw520 I am exhausted by the increased fees and challenges of ownership. It is obvious DRI is simply trying to force us to sell by increasing the fees to ridiculous and unjustified amounts. I would also like to know of an owners website, blog, email list, or other means of communication outside of DRI. Thank you Steve Carrozzo and Kristen K for your willingness to serve. I am all for pooling owners voting rights by identifying one candidate to support. I believe Mr. Wade and Mr.Cushnyr are other owners who have run in the past. Thoughts?