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Re: Open Letter to Steve Cloobeck, Diamond Resorts International CEO

Mr Cloobeck, My name is Terry Farris.. I own 3 timeshares, which were Grand Beach, Orkando, Florida.... I have contacted them numerous times and have yet to get a reply from them. My timeshares are paid for , but if I want to sell them , I have purchase something else from you for 35,000.00 I want to sell them , not reinvest more money...I've been told that I can not sell them because they are deeded property. .. My husband and I purchased the properties and now my husband has passed away, and I want to sell the properties. .. Every time I call to speak with someone I am sent to their voice mail, and I leave my message for them to return my call before I go to work...WELL.. it never happens. .... I am tired of dealing with this....I want to sell the units and be rid of my headache. .... I'm sure that this will go unanswered also.... It seems that all anyone with the company cares about is how much money they can get from you...No one tries to help you..... Thank you, Terry Farris.