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Re: Anyone have experience with Castle Law Group, PC out of Tennessee

A law firm can't do anything that you can't do for yourself unless you can prove fraud. They can charge you a huge upfront fee to contact your resort but you can do that yourself for free. I contacted two resorts in 2011 and they agreed to take back my timeshares. I just paid a minimal fee to process the paperwork. The entire transactions took less than sixty days and I have copies of the filed quit claim deeds. I did it all through the resort and saved thousands of dollars that an attorney would have charged me and in a lot less time. No attorney can guarantee results but they can take your money for something you can do yourself. It looks like plugging your law firm in the forums is the new ambulance chasing scheme. Just remember fifty percent of all attorneys graduated in the bottom half of their classes. If they use the forums to troll for business than they have stooped to a very low level of morality.