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Over $800 in Annual Fees, Crazy Renovation Fees, Cheap low standard replacement furniture & no playground at Casscades

I have been an owner at Sheraton Vistanna Resort for more than 30 years. I loved the original patio furniture when we first purchased. It was beautiful and elegant and made of fiberglass with a glass top. The replacement patio furniture can be purchased at Walmart for $9.99 per chair. The replacement patio furniture is substandard for a resort atmosphere. There is no way that the replacements cost were as much as we were charged. The only pieces changed in the Master bath was the shower. The original toilet and vanity are still in place. Where is the old patio furniture? As an owner, I would have loved to have first dibs on purchasing it? Who got it and how much did they pay for the old furniture? That should be factored into what we as owners pay as well. Sell the old stuff and off-set the renovation costs. I suggest that a legal investigation begin into the handling of our maintenance fee funds. Who can we call to get an investigation started? I would love to see the report. In addition, the bedding was of a much higher standard when we first purchased. The thin and substandard bedding is not even close to the quality of the original bedding. Also, the Master Bedroom originally had a lounge chair, which I loved, and always used during my stays. Now, all that is offered in the Master is a cheap low cost chair, which is so uncomfortable I do not use it. There is more cheap, low cost examples that I could continue; however, I will stop here....I think my point was made.