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Can't even give them one star

elizabethg, I guess when the sales staff shows the new 2-3 bedroom units they tell people the others are being renovated. They not only show new prospective buyers the new units who may not even be staying there (since they pull them off the street) but long time owners too so it always boggles my mind at the lies they tell about the progress when we who go often KNOW BETTER. After the fiasco of the promise of the new high rise replacement they finally started renovating and we had high hopes but those hopes have been dashed. Having larger units is wonderful for families but for two people its like we are being punished for needing/wanting a nice updated one bedroom unit. The units we traditionally stay in have been fixed up some but not what I would call renovated compared to the gorgeous new 2-3 bedroom units and in order to stay in one of those we would have to use Flex Plus....not acceptable when the larger units are empty . As we visit with friends in their units we see something different fixed up in each one but no consistency and its mostly cosmetic. One good thing they have done has been the new A/C units in some of the non marina view units. They are like mini central air rather than the old traditional window units and are really nice and actually cool all the rooms and are user friendly and totally QUIET. Love the new french doors too. The kitchen and bathroom tile floors are still really gross. Surely even cheap sheet vinyl flooring could be put in over it. It just looks bad especially in those kitchens that have been spiffed up.