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We do have a office, a very nice one located in Springfield mo. So we would be licensed in Missouri. However we do our business all over the United States. We have 3 teams. A Midwest team, east cost and west coast team. We fly out every Tuesday morning work Tuesday wed thur and hen fly home Friday morning. So only really work 3 days a week of you want to know how our entire busniess works. We works 6 weeks (18days) and then take 10 days off and then another 6 week (18days) and then 10 days off. That's pretty much our routine. Once I get back to the office id be more then happy to give you all the info you seek, as well as phone numbers to a list a mile long of people we have helped and successfully made their timeshare nightmares go away. However I am currently on my way to Oklahoma City for work, I will be extremely busy with clients and guest the next 3 days but when I get back on Friday to the office I'd be happy to get you all the info you seek. I do not own the company therefore I don't have the info you seek just laying around. How ever just last week to give you an idea I got 3 people out of their ownership. A capital resorts (formerly grand crown) , summer bay resort, and the lodge at the 4 seasons x 2 . And I am just 1 person in a company that has 15 of us doing it. We all carry our weight so we all do about the same amount of busniess. So 15x3= 45 happy customers that no longer have the burden of maintence fees, hearing sorry not available , and the never ending you need to upgrade pitch. Approximately 45 in the last week. I hope when you get the info you seek and prove what we do is ethical and legitimate you will apologize for bashing and false accusation. Have a great evening and enjoy the rest of your week sir.