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And to clearify we move from state to state everyweek, we set up meetings 3 times per day. We don't live where the customers do and the customers aren't able to drive 3-8 hours to come seek our help. But I will tell you the customers contact us. And then we go visit them. Our office is in Missouri you can go visit it anytime from 9-5, and us traveling consultants are on the road or in a airport 3 days a week. We don't just go to a city and not come back. We go back to the same 10-15 cities over and over. If your happy with your mf and your exchange fees and all the new "benifits" your timeshare sales people tell you you have to have in order to get more out of the property then sure listen to this gentleman I'm writing and spend another 15-20 grand on the same timeshare company to only double your mf.