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Re: Anyone know anything about Finn Law Group?

How can you say they are legit if they haven't gotten you out of your timeshare yet. You sound like an imposter posting a positive review for these bottom feeders. You don't need an attorney to negotiate a deed back. If they accept your property back you can do that yourself with Wyndham. Go to the other forums and you will see they will deal directly with you. Anyone who does decide to use an attorney should find a competent one close to where they live so they can actually walk into their office and see for themselves that it's actually a real law firm with a real staff. Anyone can create a website and use a mail drop box for an address. The only thing you know about these people is what they tell you and if they use a shill to post positive reviews than they are real low lives. Don't be fooled by a post that you have no idea who the poster is. Do your homework before you lose more of your hard earned money to someone you know nothing about on the internet.