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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

My hope is the threat of criminal charges with jail time will cause Eichner and his corrupt posse to try to reach some sort of plea deal to preclude incarceration. That a consideration might be that he refund the purchase price of the time shares to the disgruntled owners. He claims that there are so very few of us and he believes the time shares are a good investment - then he should be more than willing to repurchase them from us. [Q=kurtj22] I am a m.c.owner and I have posted in the past. I am pleased the letters we wrote to the attorney general and the specific judges have helped in the process. My biggest concern, which I mentioned in my correspondence, is the mismanagement / fraud which has led to outlandish maintenance costs coupled with zero resale value. Can anyone tell me one day, resulting from these and future proceedings , we will be compensated for this double wammy. Or after a couple yrs the outcome will simply be we get a extra day or 2 to stay free of charge.[/Q]