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Re: I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it.

So what your saying is THIS IS YOU THAT YOU'RE NOT ONLY TALKING ABOUT BUT BRAGGING ABOUT YOUR ABILITIES TO NEGOTIATE. YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING. BEFORE YOU GOT THE JOB .... [Q=barryb244] Here's why...let's say they all start out selling a $20,000 timeshare. If you purchase at $20,000....did you get scammed or ripped off ? If you negotiate and get the price down to $12,000 did you get scammed or ripped off ? If you really negotiate and get the price down to $6,000 with two more free resort vacations plus a 7 day cruise did you get scammed or ripped off ? If you go to the presentation only to get prizes and a free week at a nice resort did you rip them off ? Everyone should go to work on straight commission at some point in their life whether it be selling real estate, vehicles, stocks, loans, insurance, appliances, etc. FYI. I have a 35 year sales career behind me. I never sold a timeshare but I am a hell of a negotiator :)[/Q]