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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

..............this reservation DISASTER has existed for's part of the lies, shams, fraudulent misrepresentations and cheating that TMC IS FAMOUS FOR. keep in touch. chris [Q=pattim177] We are owners at TMC since 2005. We have all the issues people have written about. We "upgraded" to RCI points for several more thousand and still have difficulty getting an apt. We do book a year in advance to get our 1 weekend a year. Our fees have gone from $900 to $2600. We wanted to sell years ago and couldn't. We originally bought a "Golden Split" 4 nights in an even year, 3 in an odd year. It's a great place IF you can get in. Recently I had a friend meeting me in the city for a weekend and I called TMC reservations and was told they were fully booked. I then went on to find a hotel.... low and behold.... I was able to book a "room" at TMC that turned out to be a unit identical to what I own for $300. A night! So owners can't book but they can get an apartment cheaper thru! Patti Malone[/Q]