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Contact the Attorney General's Office for information about the case

As you correctly note, many of the entries in this forum are full of well-meaning opinions, questions and speculation. As someone who has followed the details of the AG's investigation since the beginning, I can offer the following observations to owners: The New York AG is totally in charge of the investigation into the Eichner empire at TMC. If you are frustrated at the pace of the case, contact the AG. Also read the court documents online, for free, to inform yourself of the facts and background. The files are very educational. You will not get reliable legal advice, on how to handle maintenance fees or other issues, on this forum. RedWeek actively discourages posts that come off as legal pitches. We know of two private lawyers who work with owners on TMC issues. Doug Wasser and Lowell Sidney, both in Manhattan. RedWeek has quoted both of them in previous stories about the case. Finally, all owners should receive information from TMC about the next annual meeting sometime this summer. Those meetings usually are open to owners who register and want to attend.