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check Diamond Chronicles on redweek's blog for more detailed information about Diamond's activities at resorts

We have posted many news stories and columns about the many changes at Diamond. Please see our BLOG on this site. To clear up some owner perceptions, here are some facts: 1. Diamond is no longer a public company. It was acquired by Apollo Global Management last year and is now private, which means no quarterly reports for investors. 2. Diamond just introduced a relinquishment program for owners who want to get out and cannot sell their units. It is a selective program, meaning that Diamond will take back properties it wants to put into its trust program. It is a huge win for Diamond, because it can rebuild and expand inventory by taking back units, from desperate owners, without having to pay for the units. 3. Upshot of this program is that it enables Diamond to continue selling new points packages at retail ($20K per week avg. pricing) without having to buy or build new resorts. 4. Diamond agreed to an $800,000 settlement with the Arizona Attorney General around Thanksgiving where it agreed to take back units from owners who bought between 2011 and 2017. If you bought a Diamond timeshare in Arizona during that time, you may be eligible for some restitution. Contact the Arizona AG's office for more information. 5. One month after the Arizona settlement, Diamond introduced Clarity, a new program to train sales people in ethical business practices. If you have gone to a Diamond presentation recently, please tell other owners, on this site, about what the sales team told you about Clarity. 6. Diamond just announced a new CEO, Michael Flaskey, the third CEO in four months. He used to run sales at Diamond from 2010 on.