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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

I re-read Jeff Weirs letter of March 24th, to the forum. Apparently the court agreed to delay the March 31st hearing to June 29th so that "the oral arguments of both parties can continue "settlement negotiations." No information was provided about how broad those negotiations are, or over what they cover". It appears that the club/Eichner want to "use operating revenues, including owner maintenance fees that pay for operations, to subsidize the Eichners' legal team as they continue to defend against the AG's investigation of possible wrongdoing at the club". So the above statement infers that Eichner and his legal team are not allowed and are not using owner maintenance fees to subsidize their defense but they want to (future tense). Since we don't know exactly what is being negotiated..I am going to go ahead and send in the letters I wrote to Rossi and the Judge (per Irene's advice) that ask that we owners be considered in any settlement. And it is good to know, that as of Jeff's March 24th posting, that Eichner is not using the maintenance fees for legal expenses. We have to know the facts and be accurate with them.