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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

I disagree. The only way the Court and the AG can see the huge scope and magnitude of the fraud they are investigating is for everyone who feels they've been swindled by TMC to write and give their own, personal, specific examples and details. We want a huge preponderance of facts and evidence to support the AG's case, so that the only possible outcome can be judgement and award against TMC owners and partners - and hopefully significant relief and/or release for us TS owners. So yes, please, write those letters and fill out those forms because they are the only voice we have. [Q=chrisv126] i think judge rakower is very familiar with all TMC owners' individual and common dilemmas concerning ownership in the TMC sham/fraud operation. perhaps letters to her might help, but that appears to be unlikely since she is aware of our issues. chris[/Q]