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Re: New to redweek and selling timeshare on here?

I agree with Ken especially the last paragraph. I have sold thru Red week, I had same offering on TUG to no response at all, as Ken stated anyone who wouldn't pay 20.00 to either rent or buy isn't worth the response. I have also rented my TS's here In going back to the previous, having to pay to contact an owner, to me shows a serious inquiry. As to length of time, that (as Ken stated) is totally dependent on what you are trying to sell. If your TS in the middle of no where and no one wants to go there you won't get any (if any) takers. We bought our first one at developer price, but it was where everyone wanted to go. It only took a couple of weeks to get a serious inquiry, we took a loss, but not a bad one. As owned it for almost 20 YRS. so we did alright. Best smart to a place you would back to YR. after YR. and you won't get bit bad, and buy resale.......