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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

You are absolutely right. I've learned my lesson. I can understand some aggressive selling tatics but to down right lie is another thing. But to my defense, I had a friend with me who already owned two timeshares (not at MC). She was asking questions on my behalf. I live near NYC and thought it would be great since I was already going to NYC for overnight stays a few times a year. Sometimes we used my friends timeshare exchange. Fast forward...I can never get a room. I HAD to book twelve months in advance, not eleven months and 3 weeks...12 months to the day. Any time after that there were no rooms available but plenty of rooms for the public. My friend never had a problem getting a room thru her timeshares. She was very surprised as well as other friends who have timeshares other than MC. One more thing...I see numerous people asking to be included in the lawsuit. There is no lawsiut, even though there had been posts of such..probably another scam. However, the New York State Attorney General's Office initiated an investigation into the Manhattan Club. As of right now, there is NO lawsiut. Do not send anyone money claiming to be a law office, etc. You (we) have been scammed once... Thanks and good luck to all of us involved in this nightmare...