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[Q=lisae375] We have a paid in full TS with Royal Holiday Resorts that has been owned for over 15 years. Tried unsuccessfully to negotiate with the resort and their main office for the last 3 years....I have hired a company/lawyer to rid me of this TS and fully intend to be done with said TS or will take them to court to be done with said TS one way or another.[/Q] Can you clarify something? This Royal holiday Resorts, is it in Mexico? If so, is it a Right-to-use (RTU) or a deeded property? If it is an RTU, then it's likely that you can get out of it by simply stopping paying maintenance fees and dues. Check your contract. And I totally advise against hiring a lawyer, especially if you do have an RTU contract? What's a lawyer going to do for you (for thousands of dollars) that you can't do yourself?