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Different strokes...

donP196: It seems that we might be having two entirely separate and detached conversations, perhaps in parallel universes. One or both of us is apparently either not listening to the other or just not interpreting the other's input correctly. I respect the fact that you are clearly pro-consumer --- good on 'ya! However, to suggest or imply that I am somehow in any way "pro-developer" is just patently absurd and frankly almost humorous. However, these are discussion forums in which anyone is free to express their opinion, whether factually accurate or completely unfounded in truth. Your perspective might well be quite different if you could see first hand some of the numerous successful actions which MY very proactive resort Board (an independent resort by the way, not in any way past or present associated with ANY "chain developer") has effectively and inexpensively undertaken in a focused effort to look out for and protect the interests of ALL owners at our resort who choose to meet and honor their (voluntarily undertaken) contractual obligations. We do not tolerate attempted fraud and we jump on it with both feet. Extensive legal experience on the (unpaid, volunteer) Board surely helps. I am certainly not "pro-developer" --- but I AM decidedly "anti-stupidity". That being said, I am all for WHATEVER action it takes for people to (lawfully) extricate themselves from the greedy and deceitful clutches of the slimy likes of Westgate, Wyndham and Diamond. In my personal opinion, this trio is directly responsible for much (most?) of the well deserved and badly tarnished image of the slimy industry in which those three remain major players. I would never argue for a moment (and never have) for the irrelevant and absurd notion of a "grantor" being in any way responsible for the financial status of a new "grantee"; the very concept is just plain silly. However, like it or not, under the rule of law in this country, deed transfers have OTHER standards to meet in order to be valid. Without such standards, people could deed unwanted property and the associated obligations to random names in the phone book or to Vladimir Putin or to their neighbor's three legged cat. No can do.