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Re: The Manhattan Club Lawsuit - RedWeek's Report & Most Recent Info

[Q=williamm465] Did anyone get an indication that those who withheld their maintenance fees will be able to use their time without making up the payments they withheld?[/Q] my question precisely. we need some answers soon. we waited long enough for the legal suit to come to closure. now, i hope, "to the victors belong the spoils" alluding directly to your well-put question, including other issues that deserve financial consideration stemming from the suit. i hope our media correspondent, jeff weir, is on the case, doing enough snooping to supply us owners with pertinent information in response to our questions. another important issue is who will be taking over TMC operation/ownership since eichner has been ruled out of that position. the owners' interests must be taken into consideration when this situation is resolved, hopefully involving the court's overseeing the equity for us financially burdened shareowners of TMC. keep in touch. chris