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Re: Effect of Timeshare Relief Team, Timeshare Exit Team, etc. advertising on the for-sale-by-owner resale market

[Q=lancec13] From your post and rant, I am guessing that you paid thousands of dollars for your unit(s) and are now trying to sell it/them but realize that you will not get in return anywhere near what you paid. I could be wrong but that's what I'm interpreting in your rant.[/Q] From your reply, I'd guess you can't tell a rant from third base. If what I wrote is a rant, then your reply is piffle. Look it up. I bought our timeshares -- plural -- on eBay and through ads in Redweek and TimeSharing Today, thank you very much. Because my estate planning attorney sold me we "shouldn't die with all those @#$% timeshares," we've been selling one after another, usually for what we paid and four times so far for more -- except for our participation in Wyndham's Ovation program. Ovation is a blessing especially for senior-age Seniors when we see that anybody can today buy half a million to a million Wundham points various places on line for the cost of a great meal at Ruth Criss Steak House. All that said, I'd still wonder why the timeshare industry does not defend its product. Not everyone has timeshares that are, in fact, resaleable. A bunch of people bought properties in overbuilt areas like Orlando, Hilton Head and Branson, while others bought at You-Know-Who-foresaken places like Lake Lure. THEY need a more positive environment for offloading their timeshares, and a cheaper way to do so than paying several thousand dollars to the likes of Timeshare Exit Team.