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Skip the parasites and sell it yourself...

[Q=heleng117] I am not giving anyone else money up front to sell my condo and may call the next Law firm that sends me info about getting my money back from Hilton instead of waiting for a "company" to sell it for me.[/Q] Please don't shoot the messenger, but you are NOT "getting your money back from Hilton" --- not under ANY circumstances and no matter what you do or who you choose to deal with. Period, amen. You freely and voluntarily executed a contract. State law provides 3-10 days (depending on the state in which the contract was executed) to rescind (cancel) that contract. Once that rescission period has expired, you own that timeshare until you sell it (or until foreclosure later occurs if you stop paying your fees). There are no lawyers, magic beans or pixie dust that can or will somehow change that harsh but indisputable fact. That said, Hilton (HGVC) timeshares are certainly not worthless; all have at least SOME resale value. You can sell it yourself without paying any more upfront fees to any other useless parasite "companies". There will be a few hundred dollars in closing costs to a transfer company once you find a willing buyer at an agreed price, but you can negotiate those details with your buyer. RedWeek is a very good advertising site, particularly since only paid members can respond at all to RedWeek ads. This requirement virtually eliminates spammers and scammers --- such parasites won't "pay to play" and they are not willing to leave a traceable "paper trail" behind if their actual intent is theft or scam. I have personally sold several timeshares in recent years using RedWeek as my chosen advertising site. The fees are reasonable and you get a full year of posting of your ad. It is important to clearly understand (and accept) that no one cares AT ALL what you paid Hilton originally; that is (sad to say) completely irrelevant and useless information now. The resale value of your timeshare in the open market TODAY simply "is what it is". Look for listed resales for Hilton / HGVC products similar to yours on various timeshare related web sites and you will promptly get a good idea of the price range of comparable HGVC resales. Yours needs to be priced competitively with others to have any real chance of finding a buyer. "Asking" prices are likely higher than actual final selling prices, but at least you'll have a range to start from. Good luck.