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[Q=alanb410] It's possible your contract did have a rescission period of 14 days. As I understand it, Mexico's law is 5 days but there's nothing to stop a company from honoring a longer time period. The company we dealt with offered a vacation plan with a full 30 days to decide, so lots of time to think things over and be sure. Their plan is called elite1500 concierge service and so far, so good. Plus there were no offers of any alcoholic beverages or any carnival type atmosphere, just a relaxed conversation of the pros and cons of their approach to travel and how it might meet our needs. I'm sorry for your bad experience and agree with several others here that you're probably best just to cut your losses and move on.[/Q] For what it's worth: 1. In my own 35+ years of timeshare ownership and experience, I have NEVER ONCE heard of ANY timeshare related entity ANYWHERE offering a contract rescission period which is longer than the rescission period provided by applicable state (or Mexican) law. Could they do so? Yes, they could. DO they ever do so? No, never. 2. It's interesting that in recent days on both Timeshare Users Group and RedWeek discussion forums there have been several posts going out of their way to conveniently name and subtly "endorse" (heretofore completely unknown) "elite1500 concierge services", with that name being inserted completely "off topic" into threads discussing unrelated subjects. Call me a cynic, but the word SHILL comes immediately to mind here. I was born very early in the morning --- but it certainly was not YESTERDAY morning. ;-)