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Getting out of contract: past recission period

[Q=jenniferc915] Hi - I would love to hear how things are going with the attorney you selected, xx (name deleted)xx. Can you provide an update?[/Q] You are responding to a post that is well over two years old now. That fact aside... A "demand letter" is completely pointless and meaningless, regardless of whether it originates from an attorney or directly from an owner. NO ONE can just simply "demand" their way out of a legally binding contractual obligation which they once CHOSE to voluntarily enter of their own free will. Attorneys do not possess any magical powers or secret processes that can somehow make that indisputable legal fact disappear. Meaningless "demand letters" are what some of the (useless but expensive) upfront fee "exit / rescue / escape / relief" outfits send (such as Timeshare Exit Team, etc.). Any and all such "demands" are usually just completely ignored, since the recipients know that such "demands" are nothing more than empty and meaningless acts of desperation. By the way, the timeshare companies have their own well paid, highly competent legal counsel; you can rest assured that they are not at all impressed or influenced by meaningless and and empty "demands" from ANY source. People who want "out" can (and should) make the effort to attempt to negotiate a "deedback". That effort does not require an attorney --- and an attorney is no more effective than an owner in requesting acceptance of a "deedback". All bets are off if there is still a unpaid loan balance, of course. NO timeshare entity will consider deedback acceptance if there is still an unpaid loan balance or any unpaid maintenance fees. If you want to throw money at an attorney, that is certainly your prerogative. Many will surely be happy to accept it --- and then proceed to do nothing for you that you couldn't easily do for yourself with a little time and effort --- for free. Then again, it's your money, your choice and your decision. Good luck.