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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

tulipblossom, i was castigated in this forum for criticizing the nysag's acceptance of the so-called settlement. as i said, he was victorious in winning the case for his employer, new york state, but did next to nothing on owners' behalf. he did his job ineffectively in reference to accepting this settlement "to allow Eichner to pay such a pittance" without further action on his part to have eichner made to deposit an entirely more substantial monetary penalty. tulipb, i'm with you! in victorious unity, chris [Q=tulipblossom] With all these acknowledged findings. I am baffled as to why the A. G. agreed to allow Eichner to pay such a pittance in the settlement. Something is fishy. I'm up for making a contribution towards legal fees for a class action suit. I just don't relish a few of us forking over money to pursue that and if successful, then all the other owners would benefit. Why could we not use some of the legal settlement monies and have the HOA hire attorneys to pursue the class action suit??? Any thoughts, Chris, Irene, and others?[/Q]