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Re: Executive Lodging Management LLC

[Q=carolp491] You may want to contact Seth Nock. I’m not sure if I am allowed to post his website but you can do a web search on his name. He is a real estate broker that specializes in selling and buying resale Hilton Timeshares. His agency might be able to point you in the right direction.[/Q] Seth Nock consistently receives high praise from people on Timeshare Users Group who have utilized his services. I am not one of those people; I am merely sharing the observation that the man has a solid reputation, both for knowing his "market" and for being honest. Executive Lodging Management LLC, on the other hand, I've never before even heard of. If I was a gambling man (which I am not), my bet money would be confidently placed on their being uttterly useless at best and, at worst, just another outright scam (as is often the case with obscure, unknown entities with vague and fuzzy names consisting of disconnected words strung together in a lame and very unconvincing effort to sound "legitimate").