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Timeshare Points vs. Weeks

[Q=bobb722] Based on RCI experience If you are buying into points make sure you have a deed that states [b]a specific resort and room [/b]. Why? Inflation. If you only bought a set number of points the resorts can raise the number of points it takes to book a room, your points never go up. [/Q] I do not disagree with this input, but will note that there are also deeded "floating" week ownerships --- with NO points. "Floating" week ownerships at a resort are still deeded, but may have NO associated "points" (consequently, they are not subject to the above referenced "inflation"). However, such ownerships do [b]not[/b] have any guaranteed week / unit (as deeded "fixed" weeks do). I am just offering this input as a minor point of clarification. Personally, I am not at all a fan of "points" ownerships of ANY flavor, whether they are in RCI or in Wyndham or in anything else. To each their own, of course.