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Any experience with Vacation Experts?

[Q=johnb3039] Also, a part of our agreement was that VEI would be responsible for any Maintenance Fee or Ownership assessment beginning January 1, 2018. I did receive a Maintenance Fee Bill from Welk. I sent it to VEI and they took care of it.[/Q] I would be a little leery about this part. What some of these companies do when you receive your maintenance fee bill is say, "Oh, ignore it (or send it to us),. We'll take care of it." They do nothing. Then you get a the maintenance fee bill again a few weeks or months later because it hasn't been paid. The company again says, "Oh, ignore it. We'll take care of it." You receive the bill again, this time with late penalties. You contact the company again about the problem. Same response. Finally, the resort forecloses on you for not paying. You contact the company mentioning what happened. The response? Well, you are no longer the owner. Isn't that what you wanted? We did our job.