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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit: Nonsponsored Board of Directors

After receiving the TMC new budget I elected to email the board members whose addresses were provided by Kevin on p.199 of this forum. In response, the following day I received a phone call and then an email from Mr. Dunphy. The concerns I voiced were my frustration over the continual increased fees and why their isn't any discussion of, or action on returning units for those who no longer want them. I have continued to pay the fees but I'm getting very close to them being due again. I love NYC and have been pleased with staying at TMC since 1998 but it has gotten cost prohibitive. His response was that they try very hard to keep costs down but daily housekeeping by union workers and laundry costs are very expensive. Nothing else related to this was mentioned other than he thanked me and the other members for his employment and that of all the other people who work at TMC. As far as the take back of units for those who just want out for whatever reason, including me, he spent 5-10 min telling me he had no information on this because of the Attorney General. He spoke almost as though it wasn't settled yet and they were waiting for direction from the AG. I have scanned through the 27 page settlement document, but not being a legal person I don't see where this may or may not have been addressed. I might try to read every word. So I then posed this question to the AG office but have not heard back yet and probably won't anytime soon. If I hear anything more I will share.