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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Please read the settlement. It does mandate a change in management. It also precludes the current managers from working in the TimeShare industry in the state of NY. I disagree with the above post that 'it's over' and the AG is to blame for our current state of flux. The NY AG did not represent the TimeShare owners. The AG settlement does nothing to make us whole. It's the Eichner's that have created a situation where the value of our units is close to zero. In the Eichner's defense that's also an industry wide problem. Used TimeShares have very little relationship to retail purchase prices. I also believe the premise of there being a freeze on the sale or purchase of units does not include us. In many ways it's a good thing in that it won't reward the Eichner's by allowing a flood of units to be deeded back to them - just so they can troll for more victims. I'm not buying that the costs to run the facility are wholly inflated by the house cleaning unions. That claim is a deflection of the reality of millions that were skimmed from the owners over many years.