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Update on Manhattan Club issues

via numerous TMC meeting experiences, the reality is that owners are usually muffled (if allowed to speak at all). that is not an option. we need a court-appointed referee at any TMC meeting where owners are "invited" and are able to present their ideas that will be heard and acted upon. in essence, this has not occurred nor is it expected to magically happen simply because of a CURRENTLY UNINFORCED (and nonsensical) "SETTLEMENT". let's be realistic: this case needs to be reopened and litigated again by the newly-appointed acting NYS ATTORNEY GENERAL after she carefully reviews what has taken place by the former, displaced attorney general. i believe she will see through this so-called "settlement" and determine that it is definitely not in the interest of us defrauded, scammed and lied to TMC timeshare owners. she needs to carefully study the undercover activity at TMC SALES OFFICE that the former attorney general instigated. that seems to be the crux of evidence (along with our numerous letters and requested surveys) against eichner and cohorts, a major incriminating discovery that needs further court review and new litigation. [Q=jeff_reports] Time for a re-set for all owners on this forum. There is NO pending class action lawsuit. There are way too many legal hurdles to overcome to justify another class action. However, a new group of attorneys with major litigation experience are considering new legal action that could provide some relief for owners. Beyond that, the next big moment in TMC history, beyond the Schneiderman resignation, is the Aug. 9 board meeting. This is where owners can speak their mind, ask questions about the AG settlement, raise concerns about the continued involvement of Eichner affiliates in aftermath of the settlement, ask questions about number of defaults at club and, most importantly, about status of new buyer/owner who will take over management and replace Eichner associates on the board. Most owners who contact RedWeek are furious that AOD settlement from New York AG allows Eichner group to stay in charge of club despite acknowledgement of all issues in settlement agreement.[/Q]