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Class action lawsuit

I believe the new NYAG has more pressing issues to deal with than a lawsuit that's been already been settled. Who knows if anyone is even watching over the settlement to see that those terrible terms are progressing as Eichener's attorneys can always file for extensions? I do hope that the possible new attorney, Mr Zimmerman, sifts through the hundreds of questionnaires and thinks there's a case to proceed with litigation. If he doesn't take on our case, then a class action lawsuit should be pursued which should be an easy win since the Eichners et al have already admitted to committing serious crimes. Think O.J. Simpson who was found guilty of murder only in a civil court. Personally I will no longer send money to criminals. I unfortunately consider my $18,000 purchase as my stupidity of buying into a Ponzi scheme. I'd rather pay my outstanding TMC debt plus interest money to an attorney to sue them. How can those that have admitted they defrauded me have the right to come after me in court, possibly ruin my credit when they're laughing all the way to the bank still collecting exorbitant Ponzi fees? The only way forward is not through the NYAG who fortunately has achieved getting Eichner et al to admit their fraud, but through our own combined litigation.