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RE: owners

It still seems to me that there would have to be some type of formal meeting, especially for an "emergency" assessment though this was not billed as such. I don't mind paying the fee if it is justified, though I am sure there are many that would still object. (More than a years maintenance fee is ridiculous.) I am already into this for 30K for a 3 BDR 1wk/yr. It is a project to make it work right and one needs to be extremely flexible, though I would never buy one of these again. I was mistaken in that the control of Stormy Point is not turned over to the class A membership until the LATER of 90% sold OR 7 years. Looks like we may be stuck with Summer Winds control for a while. I plan to contact the Missouri Secretary of State and/or AG to find out the specifics on the unilateral decision to apply a Special Assessment to the owners. The Bylaws are rather vague on this, but there must be some state regulation (open meeting laws, etc.) that controls how this should be done. Thanks for your input.