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Re: New Owners

Hmmm...Are you sure that the $660 you paid was for the Maintenance Fee (that is usually billed in October and is $619 for me), and not the Special Assessment. The Special Assessment had a provision to pay $660 by July 31 and get a free week. I was leery of the Special Assessment notification and decided not to rush to beat the "deadline" knowing that it would just not be worth the effort to try and use the "free week." I previously posted the following in response to issues surrounding the Special Assessment: "It is unfortunate that you have already paid the "special assessment." I found out about this through an otherwise benign appearing email with an imbedded PDA. It seemed excessive to me so I have looked into it. The staff at Summer Winds initially informed me that they would have a "portal" up by mid July that would document the justification for this. I finally was able to get into this and reviewed the audited 2018 "Reserve Report" and minutes from the March 2018 annual board meeting. Though the Reserve Report seems to indicate some future shortages, there is no mention of a need for a "special assessment." There was no discussion at the Annual Board Meeting regarding a special assessment. I contacted Owner Services at Summer Winds and they stated that the decision to initiate the special assessment was made sometime "after the meeting." I asked for documentation from that decision and am thus far have not received any. Owner Services seems to have a standard response to this as I have talked with them on three occasions now. Something about a "new clubhouse" (not mentioned in the reserve report or elsewhere)..."no assessment for 15 years"... "section two [of the contract regarding assessments]", etc. It would seem that it would take an official Board Meeting to assign such an assessment, and perhaps a vote of the owners. (That is how our local HOA works.) ... I would appreciate any information that you have come up with and will continue looking into this." [Some corrections and deletions from my original post] I look forward to any further information regarding all this as it seems a bit fishy. I hope that you are not in for more surprises.