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Anyone have experience with Castle Law Group, PC out of Tennessee

Yes. Answer this senior consultant for CLG JEFF JOHNSON....why are y’all crooks and take people’s money and promise them an end to their contracts with timeshares, particularly Wyndham?? Why do you lie and mislead people to think that you can get them out of their timeshares?? How can you even look people in the eye everyday and even worse, how do you look at own selves in the mirror every morning when you knowingly take people’s hard earned money and promise them you’ll get them out of their timeshare nightmares? After over a YEAR, Castle Law Group decides that they have been frauded by “someone” (I say that loosely) within their company and now their doors are shut and no longer operating. Hmmm. Makes you wonder for sure. Please explain to me how this happened. I need some clarity provided to me and about 300+ wyndham owners also trying to cancel their timeshare. I paid $3500 and got nothing in return and if these 300+ owners paid that or even more, well let’s do some math. That’s over a million dollars people that CLG swindled From us!!! Wow. Just wow. I am freakin disgusted.