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Wyndham's new "Ovation" program offers exit solutions for their owners... interested?

[Q=novan] yes am intrested cause 4 years ago in 2014 when we went to the US mom dad and two of my sister were lead by one of wyndham seller for the owner ship ... ... everything is not like what he said that why I want to exit this cause we are only paying money while we don't even use it cause we can't find any apartment to stay in I hope we can end this scam , and everything we wrre told was a lie / shame on that person for scaming my parent Karma shall pay him back[/Q] Get a grip, control your rage, and call Wyndham's Ovation department. Have your account number and all other documents at hand when you call. Ask them politely what you have to do to participate in the Ovation program. If you qualify and follow through, you will not get any money back but you will be OUT.