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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

RE: pay fees? I also have owned since 2001 and then moved to NYC in 2003. I still pay and rent to friend at 25% discount on my fee. I wasn't sure she was renting this year so I delayed my payment due last October til this month/January. The absurdly high interest/late fees were 'waved'. But I was told they have policy to NEVER waive these late charges again. Per Danielle in billing. Also, I request every year a bill with a DATE DUE, but never receive one. Who does that? [Q=chrisv126] what were the results of tucker's meeting with TMC's board of directors regarding access to the owners' contact list? this is critical information needed by owners which hasn't been addressed here since mr zimmerman's court hearing on december 12, 2018. it is assumed that one of's contributors will shed revealing light on this matter in the very near future.[/Q]