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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

I am reluctant to pay Mr. Zimmerman an upfront fee when I don't know what the goal is. I've already dumped beaucoups into TMC. A realtor friend of mine hasn't paid them anything for two years. He got a letter several months ago saying that they were considering a "take-back" program but he's heard nothing since his response indicating his interest in giving his timeshare back. I contacted the tax department of NYC and they responded that I can pay my taxes directly to them. However, looking at the tax bill online, I can't figure how much I as a one week owner owe. I have written the financial office of TMC and asked them how to figure it but they haven't responded to that (or any of my two prior letters, either). I find TMC virtually incommunicado except for their occasional bill with the accompanying threat of penalties, interest, etc. I don't count the telephone tag calls to and from Lynn O'Donnell who obviously is no more interested in communicating with members than anyone else in that black box.