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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

I share your frustration. But by the time I rent on any site, I am just looking to cut my losses. The numbers I saw on RW ranged from $210 to $550 per night. How much is the average MC maintenance fee anyway? Somebody's taking a bath at $210, but at $550? That's a tough sell, and here, buyers know they have you over a barrel because as owners, we have a sell-by date. I'm no expert, but I always stress that there are no hotel/occupancy taxes, saving 20% off the top, so $300 at the MC is almost $400 anywhere else; and maybe, Jeff could prevail on the RW powers that be to add a checkbox for "penthouse" units below the generic listings. As far as the number of listings go, there are about 15,000 weeks a year at the MC; if 10-20 are for rent throughout the year, that's still only 1/10 of 1%; and they're not usually renting the same week you are, so I don't think that's the problem. Anyway, good luck!