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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hello,dickh68, contact...... send TMC owner's name (names if more than one owner), email address, phone number and a brief comment concerning your unfortunate experience (s) with TMC. there is no fee to join or plans to charge one. positive results are not guaranteed. we do not offer legal representation or advice. rather, the COALITION OF FINANCIALLY DISTRESSED TMC OWNERS is attempting to establish a united front with as many defrauded owners as possible. joining the COALITION in no way precludes private legal affiliations you wish to pursue. you can choose joining both the COALITION and your own legal representation. one is not exclusive of the other. we welcome you and other owners to join us forming as large a unified force against TMC as possible. thanks for your interest. chris (co-founder of the COALITION with ms fitzmaurice) [Q=dickh68] How does one join your Coalition?[/Q]