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Easy question to answer...

I will echo the observation above. It's just another scam looking for upfront money, but producing no results other than a reduction in your bank account balance. While your situation is unfortunate, the fact remains that you voluntarily took out a loan and you executed a legally binding contract of your own free will. There are [b]no[/b] upfront fee Internet parasites that can somehow magically change those indisputable facts or magically make your loan obligation just somehow "disappear". You can make the difficult personal choice and decision to simply stop paying anything more, ultimately defaulting on the loan (with credit report consequences), but please do not fall for any empty and worthless promises of a (non-existent) "magical escape", throwing money at some unknown and useless Internet parasite operation seeking (and existing) [b]only[/b] to take advantage of people's desperation and unfortunate personal situations.