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hey guys, i have a question, please

[Q=philips199] What happens if I cease making payments on a maintenance fee? I can no longer afford mine. Do I need to declare bankruptcy? What will happen to my credit evaluations? Is there anything I should do?[/Q] That depends. Is it deeded property or a Right-to-Use RTU)? Are you paid up on the maintenance fees? If it is an RTU or a vacation membership club, usually just stopping payments will eventually terminate your agreement. You might get a bunch of collection calls and letters but those are more of an annoyance than a threat. If it is deeded property, you can try giving it away or asking the resort if it will take your unit back. But what you should not do is hire or contact any of these companies with words like relief, exit, cancel, release, etc. in their names claiming they can magically cancel or get you out of your timeshare. Most are scams. Others just charge you thousands of dollars to do something you can do yourself.