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The Manhattan Club Lawsuit - RedWeek's Report & Most Recent Info

hello gary, zimmerman's contact info follows. i recently retained him after much careful thought and a tad of intuition. i had second thoughts about the $1,250 retainer fee, but i believe this is similar to a "war chest" for political candidates who need the capital to proceed with their campaigns.('s a stretch, but it helped convince me.) i'd suggest giving joining the suit strong consideration, without the guarantee of a totally satisfactory outcome. if you know of other owners who aren't aware of zimmerman's TMC lawsuit, please inform them. i don't see any other current resources available to combat the CRIMINAL FRAUD experienced by all TMC OWNERS. JEAN-MARC ZIMMERMAN'S CONTACT INFORMATION: E-MAIL JMZ@ZIMLLP.COM PHONE (908) 768-6408 ​ FAX (908) 935-0751 MAIL 233 WATCHUNG FORK WESTFIELD, NJ 07090 keep in touch. chris [Q=garyp151] I’m thinking of signing up with the Zimmerman Law Firm. What are your thoughts? Just wondering why $1200 is needed with application when and if they win they will keep 30% of any damages , settlements or other recovery[/Q]