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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

an opinion to consider: it is to be noted that the upcoming voting for the board of directors candidates is another slap in the face and a kick in the ass from TMC awarded to all owners. it is a distinct possibility that any new, non-sponsor board member will simply be a replacement puppet for the current non-sponsored board members. this voting thing is an effort in futility for all TMC owners. the board should be made up primarily of OWNERS WHO WILL HAVE A DECISION-MAKING VOICE. the board of directors positions should have been turned over to the owners a long time ago. as recalled, none of us challenged that issue. the current and past board makeup allows no authority to owners. this is at least one reason, for example, that our maintenance fees have skyrocketed to an exorbitant (close to) 500%. the makeup of the board and those who make the decisions that we owners should be making, should be challenged. we need and demand a board of directors that will work IN OWNERS' BEHALF and not for the benefit of developers. THIS ISSUE SHOULD BE CHALLENGED AND CHANGED LEGALLY.