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Re: Diamond Resorts reduces owner benefits again!

[Q=robertr558] People know how Diamond Resorts International works and that is why they are unhappy! There was another Charles on this forum who was always defending Diamond, are you the same guy? The username is slightly different. When the maintenance fee is more that it costs to rent the place as a non-owner, people are not happy. Stephanie, the people that offer to get you out of your timeshare for money are fraudsters just as bad as timeshare salesmen. Don’t lose more money to them. I wish I had an easy answer for you. Keep reading in this forum. Does anybody know anything about the Timeshare Users Group that Charles is referring to?[/Q] I am not sure if I am the same Charles to whom you’re referring. I have not changed anything. However, I have read many posts on this site over the years that provided lots of evidence that people did not understand or know how the system works. I don’t have a deeded week with Diamond. I have points. I am able to get what I want and I can certainly tell you that I get the maximum from Diamond. I usually go in the summer since I am an educator and for what I pay in maintenance fees, I cannot get off of and the likes. I usually use my Diamond points for Hawaii and I saved a lot of money. I also own with Marriott and have done so for many years. I own weeks with them and they now sell points. Sadly, since Marriott went to points, the salesmen are more aggressive like Diamond’s salesmen. That’s not good. Like all things, there is the good and the bad, timeshares are not different. There are many who get good value for their ownership. There are a couple of Facebook groups that share and discuss both the good and the bad of Diamond Resorts. One is Diamond Resorts Members and the other is called Diamond Resorts Members Group. They seem to be a lot more productive than the negativity that is bred on this site.