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Relinquish deeded week

Thank you Kristen but I am not the administrator of our member-sponsored Facebook page. An economics professor launched our Facebook February 2017. Diamond has been wonderful accepting requests for Transitions. Beware of talking to a sales agent. One recently retired investment banker went to Polo Towers and said, "My wife bought this Monarch timeshare 18 years ago. I have hated it for 18 years. I've never attended a presentation. I'm only here today to learn what I have to do to get rid of it." The sales agents should have said, "Go to your log-in page and click Transitions." Instead he told him to be eligible he had to convert to points, selling him $12,000 points for no reason. When he filed a complaint, the anti-hospitality rep said it sounded like he said she said. Just go to Transitions, don't talk to anyone except Transition staff and follow instructions. Start by Nov 1 at the latest to allow time for processing or you will be responsible for 2020 maintenance fees. People complained of having to be on hold for five hours, those that waited until the end of the year.